Generx: from what is said to what is done (program: #WomenOutsideOfTheBox)
Génerx: from what is said to what is done analyzes the problematic of the representation of gender in the Spanish language, highlighting the connotations that underlie most of the binary definitions that our language has assimilated throughout its history. Currently studied from linguistics, plastic arts, history or philosophy with authors such as Judith Butler or Paul B. Preciado, gender and its representation through language is an important place from which to analyze the construction of individual and social identity. Using the word as a mediator and a common thread, this exhibition presents the work of different artists who show their experience with words and texts that have to be revised. The exhibition features works by Oihana Cordero, Arisleyda Dilone, Camilo Godoy, Garazi Lara Icaza, Liz Mysterio and Irene Mohedano; artists from Spain, the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Mexico. The artists will explain their exhibited works during the opening.